What’s new!?


Hello All

Seems a while since I last posted here. What’s new?…aaaargh I’ve recently hit the big 40! Tis but a number, some days I feel 90 but my head tells me I’m still 18! Fine chance :-)

I’ll whisper this, don’t want to jinx it… dialysis is finally getting easier! Hopefully the double vision is a thing of the past. The consultant thought I should be lying more flat on the couch for dialysis :-( plus side…blood pressure doesn’t drop so drastically, so no double vision, no extra fluid being given back, nearly finishing at my dry weight. Sadly, I can no longer be on Twitter for the 4 and a bit hours of dialysis…aaaargh! Those who know me know what a loopy juice I am on there :-) Does mean I can lie out and blast Bon Jovi concerts through my headphones :-)

I’ve recently had a scan on my fistula arm. Unit nurses wanted it checked out..all good, no problems… happy days! :-)

I’ve also had an MRI scan (Tuesday of this week) for the arteries/veins in my legs. All being ok with that scan, we’ll be getting the referral to surgeons… eeeek! I know I still have some weight to lose, it’s difficult, but I have lost 2 1/2 stone already.

It’s another step down the scary road of transplant. Another step closer to a hopefully normal life. I won’t say ‘normal life again’..I don’t do normal..whatever ‘normal’ is!?

Tomorrow is another dialysis day. I don’t dread them as much anymore. That doesn’t mean I look forward to them either… quite the opposite. Bigger needles tomorrow… big dose of EMLA cream in the morning I think is a must!

Most of you reading this probably get/understand what and where I’m at. I babble on, it helps me, I make no apologies for babbling :-)

Think it’s time to stop babbling on, on here! Babble..babble..babble!! :-)

Take care, all of you :-) xx

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