Easy Fish Cakes


This recipe for Easy Fish Cakes was provided by Helen Botham, renal dietitian from Salford Royal Foundation Trust.

You can try this recipe with any pre-cooked or tinned fish such as salmon, cod, haddock or tuna. You can freeze the fish cakes uncooked and then cook as required. Freeze them in a plastic tub on layers of greaseproof paper. If you are following a low potassium diet, cook the potatoes by boiling in plenty of water to remove some of the potassium.

Serves 2-3


2 medium potatoes (or sweet potatoes) boiled and mashed

200g (7oz) cooked flaked fish or a tin of tuna or salmon

1 small lemon, juice only

Freshly ground black pepper

100g (3½ oz) cream crackers or similar savoury biscuits (or breadcrumbs if you have them)

1 tbsp of vegetable or olive oil

Optional extras

2 spring onions

1 tbsp chopped chives or parsley

1 tbsp grated cheddar

1 tsp wholegrain mustard


  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C (200°C Fan) / 425°F / Gas 7
  2. Peel the potatoes and then boil. After 20-30 minutes the potatoes should feel soft, if not, cook them for a few minutes more and then rinse them and leave to cool.
  3. Mash the potato using a masher, fork or clean fingers.
  4. Add the fish and mix well. Add the lemon, a little pepper and any of the optional extras you like. Have a taste – you can add more pepper or lemon, if you like.
  5. Place the crackers in a sandwich bag and wrap it in a clean tea towel or layers of kitchen paper. Crush the crackers using a rolling pin. Pour the cracker crumbs onto a plate.
  6. Get your hands a little bit wet and roll small balls of the fish cake mixture and then flatten them into patties. Get the outside of the fish cakes damp again and push them into the bowl of crushed crackers – you want a light coating of crumbs all over the fish cakes.
  7. Pour the oil over the bottom of a baking tray and place the fish cakes on top. Turn them all over once so that they have a little oil on each side.
  8. Bake the fish cakes for 10 minutes on one side and then turn the fish cakes over before placing them back in the oven for another 10 minutes or until the fish cakes are golden brown. Carefully remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly before serving.


Serve fish cakes with cooked peas or a crispy salad.

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Written By: Helen Botham

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