Stories Tagged as Social support

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Laura, the renal social worker for LaSCKIN
Laura Cowell is the Renal Social Worker for LTHTR and works with patients who live in Lancashire and south Cumbria.
playing cards on a board
Lighthearted fun is embraced and generates a strong community spirit in this Renal Centre.
LTHTr and the National Kidney Federation to set up a Support Group for patients/families in Lancashire and south Cumbria area.
As a wife or partner, it can be hard to find people to talk to about how diagnosis of kidney disease impacts you. Read how Margaret found answers and support.
a roller coaster
Amina shares her experience of the roller coaster ride of being a parent to a son with CKD, and also offers suggestions for wellbeing activities.
Read on to hear a perspective on the difficulties of expressing feelings of stress about caring.
Read on for a carer's perspective on home haemodialysis.
A bed set up for dialysis at home
Learn more about peritoneal dialysis (PD), along with some useful tips based on a carer's firsthand experience.
Jessica Dean offers advice on how to approach discussing a CKD diagnosis and potential treatments with loved ones.