Phlebotomy Clinics to start in Blackburn, Burnley and Ulverston

phlebotomy clinic

Blood Test Clinics will be available in the Renal Centres below from week commencing the 23rd November.   Laurie Solomon Renal Centre, Blackburn Monday & Wednesday 9 am – 1 pm How to Book: In Person: Speak with the Clinic Administrator/Reception Call 01254 404 014   John Sagar Renal Centre, Burnley Monday & Friday 9 […]

World Kidney Day – Raising Awareness Wigan Renal Centre – March 2024

cookies shaped like kidneys

We smashed it yesterday for World Kidney Day. Our patients had so much fun. In preparation I had asked the patients their favourite songs and I made a play list which we had playing in the background in the unit. Some had forgotten I had asked them, and looking around the unit I was delighted […]

Meet Laura, our Renal Social Worker

Laura, the renal social worker for LaSCKIN

Laura Cowell is the Renal Social Worker for the Renal department at Lancashire Teaching Hospital and works with patients who live in Lancashire and south Cumbria. She works with people who have chronic kidney disease and are on dialysis as well as their family/carers.  She also supports patients who are pre dialysis, post-transplant, and those […]

Unparalleled Entertainment

playing cards on a board

I had been a support worker on the haemodialysis unit for 5 years, and 3 years ago I took over as the housekeeper. I have grown to know all of the patients really well and I had recognised that some were finding the monotony of attending dialysis quite difficult. “Let’s face it, four hours is […]

Lancashire and south Cumbria welcome kidney care patient advocate Charlie

Charlie Smith

    Charlie is the Kidney Care UK Patient Support and Advocacy Officer for patients and their carers and families across Lancashire and south Cumbria.   As a patient support and advocacy officer she can provide practical, financial, and emotional support to people with kidney disease, as well as their friends and family. This includes […]

Lancashire and south Cumbria Kidney Support Group

      The first online event was held in October and attended by patients and family members who are interested in supporting the running of the group.  A date will soon be announced for our next event and everyone is welcome.  Contact Chris to register your interest.

Renal Community Newsletter

In this newsletter, there is an interesting interview where Paul Hepworth shares his experience of balancing dialysis with his volunteer work with North Yorkshire Moors National Park. York Hospitals are working on re-instigated them for the York community, and you can find future newsletters here on the York KIN website.   Read the newsletter here

2023 Star Award Finalists – Renal Technician Stephen Palmer

Stephen Palmer winning the award

The NHS Star Award recognizes staff who have gone above and beyond to help make their local Trust a better place for patients. Below, we have an extract from the hospital website that focuses on why Stephen Palmer, a renal technician from York and Scarborough Hospitals NHS Trusts, deserved his win. Stephen became team leader […]

Event: Lancashire and South Cumbria Patient Information Day

The Renal Team at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and sponsored by Lancashire Teaching Hospital’s Charity hosted their Kidney Choices Information Day in October and this was attended by around 46 patients and their family members/carers from across Lancashire and south Cumbria. The Kidney Choices Team at The Trust cares for approximately 740 patients each […]