Choosing to stop dialysis: A carer’s perspective
Peggy tells her story of supporting her husband with his last wishes.
Lancashire and south Cumbria Kidney Support Group
LTHTr and the National Kidney Federation to set up a Support Group for patients/families in Lancashire and south Cumbria area.
Finding assurance in a surprising way
As a wife or partner, it can be hard to find people to talk to about how diagnosis of kidney disease impacts you. Read how Margaret found answers and support.
Event: Lancashire and South Cumbria Patient Information Day
Patients and their family/carers from Lancashire and south Cumbria attended a Patient Information Day hosted by Lancashire Teaching Hospital.
Financial information
Get helpful information about costs and expenses related to kidney disease.
Involvement in research
Find out how research can benefit you.
Click to read about upcoming and recent Carers events.
Counselling and support
Sometimes it’s hard to know what to ask or who to ask, but finding people who understand how kidney disease impacts you is important.
Home Haemodialysis (HHD) – Parent or Carer?
Amina shares her experience of the roller coaster ride of being a parent to a son with CKD, and also offers suggestions for wellbeing activities.