Stories from the KIN Community

KIN stories are blogs written by patients, clinicians, and carers about life with chronic kidney disease.  Often the best information is gained when a person tells you about their experience.

To submit a story of your own, please click here.

Read information created by the KIN community

Our stories include things like:

  • How someone found a solution, managed a situation, or made a decision
  • Experiences of real life, what to expect, and how to cope
  • Emotions around managing one or more competing conditions
  • Different treatment options and what they involve
  • Things you wish someone had told you
Click for a short film about conservative care.
Lorna is the newly appointed Consultant clinical psychologist for 'medicines' pathways within the Clinical Health Psychology Service.
Peggy tells her story of supporting her husband with his last wishes.
phlebotomy clinic
A phlebotomy service will commence from week commencing the 23rd November in our renal centres in Blackburn, Burnley & Ulverston.
cookies shaped like kidneys
Wigan Renal Centre embraced World Kidney Day and joined the campaign to raise awareness of Kidney Health.
Laura, the renal social worker for LaSCKIN
Laura Cowell is the Renal Social Worker for LTHTR and works with patients who live in Lancashire and south Cumbria.
playing cards on a board
Lighthearted fun is embraced and generates a strong community spirit in this Renal Centre.
Charlie Smith
Patients and their families can now access support and advice from Charlie at Kidney Care UK.
LTHTr and the National Kidney Federation to set up a Support Group for patients/families in Lancashire and south Cumbria area.