Southport Hospital Map
Click for a map of Southport Hospital which includes car park information, entrances, and departments: Southport Hospital Map
Southport Hospital Website
The button at the bottom of this page takes you to the hospital website, which has information about the parking charges, how to get to the hospital, visiting information, cafe amenities, and floor plans. We find this website especially useful.
Current visiting times for adult wards are generally 1.30pm to 4.00pm and 6.00pm to 8.00pm. Some wards operate different visiting hours so check with your ward. Only 2 people can visit at a time. You can read more about the visiting policy here: Visiting Policy
Southport Hospital Contact Information
Telephone: 01704 547471
Address: Southport and Formby Hospital, Town Lane, Kew, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 6PN