St. Helen’s Hospital Website
You can find information about St. Helen’s Hospital on their website, including maps, car parking information, visitor hours, and directions by bus, train, or car: St. Helen’s Hospital Website
Contact Information
Telephone: 0151 426 1600 (main switchboard) or 01744-646461
Address: St Helens Hospital, Marshalls Cross Road, St Helens WA9 3DA
Visiting Information
On the adult wards, visiting times are 1.30pm to 4.00pm and 6.00pm to 7.00pm. However, this is subject to change depending on the ward and infections, so please check before you visit. There is a maximum of 2 visitors per patient, and they must be the same two visitors throughout each session.
You can find out more about visiting here: St. Helen’s Hospital Visiting Information