The Impact of KIN's Research

We conduct multifaceted research to sustain KIN, enhance patient care, and inform our practices.

Jen on dialysis

Research Insights to Meet Members’ Needs

KIN has been awarded Best Tech For Good Project at the Big Chip Awards and also won the Innovation Champion award for best use of social media at the NHS Health Education England Adult Learners’ Week.

We’re proud that KIN has not only received awards, but also made a real difference in  participants’ lives. Our research studies at the University of Salford show that KIN improves health outcomes by increasing health knowledge, enhancing communication between patients and clinicians. KIN also improves self-management and reduces social isolation and anxiety. All in all this improves people’s quality of life.

We’re also happy to see KIN’s successful model being used in other projects, proving its value and adaptability.

Our research on KIN led to us winning the Best Tech For Good Project at the Big Chip Awards and also won the Innovation Champion award for best use of social media at the NHS Health Education England Adult Learners’ Week.


KIN’s Demonstrated Impact

Based on our research on KIN

Improved Understanding

Greater understanding and awareness regarding health (e.g. better communication)​


Improved self-management of health and wellbeing (e.g. helped patients live better with the condition) 

Health and Wellbeing

Improved health and wellbeing outcomes (e.g. reduces social isolation, reduces anxiety)​

Changed Attitudes

Changed attitudes leading to new capacity and preparedness (e.g. more effective communication with health professionals)​

couple using computer together at home

Privacy and Data Use

KIN researchers study key issues from blogs and Facebook groups to understand what matters most to you. This helps us improve our information and support for kidney patients and their families. All studies are approved by the University of Salford ethical committee and meet the highest ethical standards.

We may use your website content, such as blogs and comments, for research. Our research includes surveys, interviews, and analyzing conversations to identify key themes. We will inform Facebook group users when conducting a research study.

Any data and analysis from KIN Facebook groups and KIN communities will be completely anonymous. It will not be possible to identify you or other KIN members.

At KIN, we want you to have a great experience without having to worry about the safety of your information. Please read our privacy policy to understand how we use your data.

KIN's Research Publications

  • Region

  • Audience

  • Topic

Book chapter in Information Systems: Process and Practice

Participating in CaMKIN : Impact on Patients report

JMIR Formative Research Journal Paper