
The Lancashire & South Cumbria Kidney Information Network

Welcome to Lancashire and South Cumbria KIN (LaSCKIN), a welcoming community for people with chronic kidney conditions to share their stories and get support.


LaSCKIN was set up as a community for people with chronic kidney diseases, carers and families living in Lancashire and South Cumbria. The network is supported by the Renal department at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

We always welcome new members who are interested in taking part in our community of sharing stories, supporting each other, and exchanging local and general information about navigating life with chronic kidney disease.

Connection with Local Trusts

LaSCKIN is linked to Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Click here to find out more about the trust and the services it provides. 



Dialysis Units

Click here to read about outpatient dialysis units available in the Lancashire and South Cumbria area.


The Renal Team

The incredible renal team members at the Trust provide care for those in the LaSCKIN area.

LaSCKIN Local Resources

Below, please find some local resources specific to the LASCKIN community to help you on your kidney journey. They were developed by members of LaSCKIN and the local trust. If you are interested in general resources that apply to everyone, please click here.

  • All Topics

Renal Dietetics Team

Click here to get to the website for the Renal Dietetics Team at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals. They recognize and treat nutrition-related problems that renal patients have.

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Renal Department Website

Here you can find the direct link to the renal department website for Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Trust. They have information about getting a transplant, renal referrals, and more.

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Our Stories

Click for a short film about conservative care.
Lorna is the newly appointed Consultant clinical psychologist for 'medicines' pathways within the Clinical Health Psychology Service.
phlebotomy clinic
A phlebotomy service will commence from week commencing the 23rd November in our renal centres in Blackburn, Burnley & Ulverston.

What members tell us about LaSCKIN

Lisa Morris

Exciting times in the North West! In addition to our very well received twice yearly Patient Information days, we are also in the process of setting up a Kidney Patient Association.  We hope the new KIN website will be a valuable source of information and support to both professionals and more so patients and their families.

Lisa Morris
Renal Satellite Units Matron