
Cheshire and Merseyside Kidney Information Network (CaMKIN)

CaMKIN is a community of patients and their families. Our Facebook group is a safe and supportive platform for people at various points in their renal journey, allowing them to share experiences and reduce the isolation often felt by those with a chronic condition.
A picture of Liverpool

About CaMKIN

CaMKIN has had a profound impact in the local renal community by bringing together a diverse group of people from all backgrounds to share their experiences, advice and knowledge with others. The network has an ever-growing community of patients from across the Northwest, particularly since the merge of Liverpool Royal with Aintree Hospital.

While we are mostly an online community, we occasionally meet for coffee and cake to connect in person.

We are lucky to have strong support from a range of clinicians that actively promote the group to others who are seeking support from those on a similar journey.

If you’re interested in becoming a moderator, please get in touch.

Connection with Local Trusts

CaMKIN is linked to Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Click here to find out more about the trust.


Dialysis Units

Click here to read about outpatient dialysis units available in the CaMKIN area.


CaMKIN Local Resources

Below, please find some local resources specific to the CaMKIN community to help you on your kidney journey, created by members of our community and local trusts.. If you are interested in general resources that apply to everyone, please click here.

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CamKIN Dialysis Units

Click to read about the outpatient dialysis units in the Chesire and Merseyside region and get information about their contact details and opening hours.

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Our Stories

What members tell us about CaMKIN


“I joined in the very early stages of CAMKIN, when we’d have weekly zoom calls as a group and there was just a few regulars on the calls. Being able to talk to others in the same boat in such an informal setting and from home made it easier to talk about some of the more difficult aspects of “kidney life”. It’s brilliant to see how much the group has grown since those little zoom calls of about 6 or 7 people, and the advice and support that is shared amongst the members still. Even though I’ve now moved down the road to Manchester I still like to dip in and out of CAMKIN and keep up to date with how others are doing and when I can meet up with everyone for coffee and cake, or little get togethers. Its a wonderful, thriving community for the kidney patients of Liverpool, Merseyside and beyond.”

Watch our CaMKIN video here to learn more.

Tara Brook

“The value of patient to patient interaction shouldn’t be underestimated, living with a long term illness can be extremely isolating. CaMKIN allows patients and their families to share their experiences and build a community with those on a similar journey.”

Watch our CaMKIN video here to learn more.

Tara Brook

“As a clinician I really value the opportunity that CamKIN gives me to communicate with large numbers of patients at once. This was particularly useful during the pandemic but also when there are changes in how things are organised. We also get helpful feedback and suggestions from CamKIN users.”

Watch our CaMKIN video here to learn more.

Dr Matthew Howse