Get More Involved


charity run


Some people managing kidney disease and their carers want to get more involved to influence, change and improve the quality of kidney services, research and/or national policy. 

We need more people to get involved, and we especially need to hear the voices from people with diverse backgrounds.


Kidney Patient Involvement Network (KPIN)

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 The Kidney Patient Involvement Network (KPIN)  is a network that coordinates the involvement of people with kidney disease and their carers. They send opportunities to get involved directly to people. Some opportunities are paid involvement while others are voluntary. 

Here is a video telling you what it is about. You can do as much or as little as you want. They have placed kidney patients and carers in over 200 opportunities ranging from: a one-off committee member, an advisory group for a project, a patient co-investigator for a research study, patient representatives from diverse groups, and patient leaders to advise on national quality projects. 

Sign up as a KPIN member and they will send you different opportunities. Each time, you can decide whether it is of interest for you. If you want to get involved you just get in touch, and if not you just ignore the email. 


More Opportunities


Get Involved | British Transplant Games – Every year the UK holds the British Transplant games. If you have a transplant you can compete. It is great fun! Speak to your local unit, or you can support the games as a volunteer. 

Get involved | Kidney Care UK – Kidney Care UK offer different opportunities to get more involved through fundraising or taking part in an event. 

Kidney Patient Involvement | Kidney Research UK –  they have opportunities to join a Facebook group for fundraising and research ideas, to be a Community Ambassadors, Research Network volunteers, or join a lay advisory group. 

Kidney Patient Associations (KPA) – Kidney Patient Associations are local charities in their own right who provide support for kidney patients on a local level. They are often located in hospital kidney units. You could seek out and join your local KPA. Watch a video of what KPAs do here.

Our KIN Facebook groups offer networking connections with local people who access the same services as you. You can read comments from other people or talk in the Facebook group anytime to support others by answering their questions or telling them about your experience. You can also ask your own questions to people who can tell you tips or ways to manage your condition.   

You can ask to get more involved in research in your local unit as a volunteer or a peer educator. Ask your doctor or nurse what opportunities are available. 

Make a blog or video about your experience being involved and what difference you made and share with other people – Share your story with us!


Recent Stories

Click for a short film about conservative care.
Lorna is the newly appointed Consultant clinical psychologist for 'medicines' pathways within the Clinical Health Psychology Service.
Peggy tells her story of supporting her husband with his last wishes.