Early-Stage Kidney Disease


kidney anatomical model


Understanding what the kidneys actually do is important at the outset to be able to appreciate why
your body is so affected when kidneys are not working well. Here is some basic information gathered from different websites:


Understanding kidney disease – the National Kidney Federation provide a brief summary.

There are things you can do to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. Consider the following steps:

  1. Manage your blood pressure within a healthy range.
  2. Monitor your blood glucose.
  3. Eat a kidney-friendly diet recommended by a dietitian.
  4. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight.
  5. Use caution with over-the-counter supplements and medicines.


10 top tips for kidneys – Chronic Kidney Disease Explained – similar to the tips listed above, this site offers 10 tips on how to prevent kidney disease progressing. 

Early-stage chronic kidney disease (stages 1 to 3a): what you need to know – Kidney Care UK offer an insight into what early-stage chronic kidney disease means to people, and what you can do to help yourself. It gives similar tips to other sites but has really clear information as to how you should be monitored moving forward to and when you may be referred to a specialist by your GP. 

Newly diagnosed with kidney disease – Kidney Care UK also provide support for people newly diagnosed with kidney disease, such as by giving people to speak to and financial advice. For more information about this, see sections on our KIN website finance and social supportmental health counselling and peer support information

Dealing with a diagnosis of kidney disease | Kidney Care UK have developed a leaflet to support people on how best to manage.

Here is a link to a site which offers an explanation as to how different aspects are linked to kidney disease progression: Prevention – Chronic Kidney Disease Explained. Understanding this helps you prevent disease progression by taking action.

Also look at Stages of kidney disease | Kidney Care UK to understand how kidney disease progresses.

Kidney Research UK offer a free Kidney health check | How to check kidney health. It takes 2 minutes to check whether your kidneys are working ok.

National Kidney Federation (NKF) created a simple – Patient Support Pack, a booklet designed for people who have been newly diagnosed. To order a copy contact helpline@kidney.org.uk


One of the most important tips is to gather information to inform your decision-making going forward. This KIN website offers links to different information and connects people through the local KINs, providing a mechanism for you to ask other patients about their experiences. With information you can decide what best suits your lifestyle and be prepared to make informed decisions if your kidney disease progresses. 

Ask your doctor how you can slow the progression of kidney disease, abd join a KIN local group to ask what their experience has been and what worked for them.


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